• Question: Do you have free time during your job?

    Asked by Tae.D to Kevin, Liz, Beccy, Rosie on 14 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 14 Jun 2017:

      I could spend all of waking hours working, and during a serious epidemic that I’m working on, that can be pretty much the case. But I have to keep sane as well and that means having time to see my family, to think about things other than equations and spreadsheets and diseases.

      My favourite non-work activity is travel – luckily I get to travel as part of work too so I can sometimes sightsee on the fringes of a working visit.

    • Photo: Rebecca Corkill

      Rebecca Corkill answered on 14 Jun 2017:

      I try and make sure I have time to myself. Otherwise, I would burn out- it would not be useful at all.
      So I try not to do any work late at night or weekends (although some experiments you cannot help it).
      The way to do this have some outside activities- so for me it is self-defense or going out with my housemates.

    • Photo: Rosie Fok

      Rosie Fok answered on 14 Jun 2017:

      During my working hours, there is rarely any free time as there is always something to do. However, I only work one weekend in seven weeks, and usually only one overnight a fortnight so there is lots of time for normal life too. I rarely get to spend this time on myself though, in a family with two young children.

    • Photo: Liz Buckingham-Jeffery

      Liz Buckingham-Jeffery answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      There is always so much work to do that I could work 24/7! But I know this isn’t possible and it isn’t healthy. I make sure I take time away from work to do fun things on the weekends and evenings.
