• Question: what is your favourite element in the periodic table?

    Asked by 925epdj29 to Rosie, Liz, Beccy on 12 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Rosie Fok

      Rosie Fok answered on 12 Jun 2017:

      I like silver. Jewellery. But did you know it has anti-infective properties too? Some patients get given silver impregnated devices to try and reduce their risk of infection (e.g. things that might have to be inserted into a patient’s bloodstream, where we don’t want to introduce infection).

    • Photo: Liz Buckingham-Jeffery

      Liz Buckingham-Jeffery answered on 12 Jun 2017:

      Hmmm…. thats a tricky question! Maybe gold? Or copper? Basically ones that look nice!

    • Photo: Rebecca Corkill

      Rebecca Corkill answered on 13 Jun 2017:

      I like carbon. It is very versatile, depending on the arrangement it can me graphite to diamonds.
      From a biologist point of view- it is the key element for most life on earth.
